Monday, August 3, 2020


(Reading time: 5 minutes)

We have lived isolated and under home locked up for several weeks now. Faced with the virus threat that made its first appearance in the world and that due to the fear that the news has generated, decision makers opted for a drastic measure, which has been used in similar situations in the past. But the conditions of the current world in which almost all the countries interact with each other and people move easily, the measure taken by the experts (sitting at the comfort of their desks) didn’t contemplate the economic disaster that we are all experiencing now. Staying isolated has contributed in reducing contagion, but this has not eradicated the virus. Isolation should be more selective and effective, Identifying those infected, their close contacts in their daily and occasional recent coexistence, so that these groups can be isolated more strictly.

As of today, waking up to what we are trying to understand as our “New normality” is generating more anguish over the economic crisis than the news of the COVID-10 virus generated at the time. Throughout the world, the number of people who depend on their daily work to support their families is greater and they are all most anxious.

Probably in the short and long term, our immune system will undergo changes in the way it responds to infections. If we have been washing our hands with soap and water for several weeks or using gel with alcohol, this unusual practice of washing the skin is eliminating the normal flora of bacteria, fungi and viruses that inhabit it and act daily through the skin, stimulating different responses of our immune system and body. Diet provides the body with the nutrients that the body needs to continue building, repairing or defending ourselves against aggressive agents. Lack of exercise and consuming sugar, more than what our body needs, interfere with the proper functioning of our immune system.

When our body faces a new microorganism, it analyzes it to generate a defensive response. The coronavirus causing COVID19, has an invasive capacity superior to the defenses of our organism, especially in older people and with chronic diseases, this immune response being slower and weaker. The “New normality” includes that we are responsible and at the beginning of any discomfort symptom, such as;  headaches, sore throats, coughs, fever and general malaise, we stay home, notify the doctor and inform those who have lived with us to take care of themselves. In these months, cancer patients and patients with other chronic diseases, interrupted their treatments, they should continue with their medical treatments, taking the recommended precautions to go out and  continue maintaining a good quality of life.

Donato Perez Garcia, MD





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