Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Lucinda’s Testimony

Lucinda’s Testimony

Hi, my name is Lucinda Tosi, I’m an american but was raised in Costa Rica and Peru. I have ovarian cancer with peritoneal carcinomatosis. I heard about this therapy over 15 years by internet and I thought It was very “sane-logical” the use of insulin to potentiate the chemo delivery system to the cancer cell, using less chemotherapy that what is traditionally used, much much less. 

It is a very nice and pleasant experience, except the struggle with the cancer itself. My diet has changed so much, zero sugar (that’s been really hard) and wheat, red meats and few saturated fats, few dairy, but mostly the sugar has been very difficult. In my opinion, doctor Donato is such a sweet person, it does me good just to see him every day, he answers all my questions, he treats me like a real person both him and the chemo has helped me so much. I could only be here for 4 weeks, now I have to go back to Costa Rica, maybe have surgery, maybe traditional chemo, I still don’t know, or if I may return to Tijuana, it is complicated for me to come to Tijuana. I recommend Hospital Angeles it is a neat place, I do recommend it, and this therapy. Thank you.

Yes. It is possible.

Donato Perez Garcia, MD






Email: info@iptldmd.com

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Interesting Historial Facts about the Inventor of IPT

Did you know ...?

Donato Pérez García, Senior 1930’s Mexico

* The inventor of Insulin Potentiation Therapy was a skillful surgeon in obstetrics, gynecology and urology?

* He first injected himself with insulin in 1930, as an experiment to cure him from a lifelong gastrointestinal illness that almost killed him.

* In 1930, he cured his first patient from syphilis using this methodology.

* His work at the San Diego Naval Hospital earned him an article on the April 10th 1944 edition of TIME Magazine.

* In 1946 he successfully treated, for the very first time, a cancer patient, achieving full remission.

HISTORICAL NOTE: Back in those days, oncology was an inexistent specialty in medicine. The first research done on nitrogen mustard for the treatment of leukemia was done in the USA by the year 1946.

Dr. Sidney Farber, from the School of Medicine in Harvard applied methotrexate and folic acid on a patient with Leukemia and achieved his remission.

At that time, Dr. Farber was criticized and ridiculed for this attempt. Years after, he was given credit for being the creator of chemotherapy.

* During Dr. Donato’s medical trajectory with IPT®, he too was criticized and ridiculed for his idea. Even his two descendants, Dr.Donato Jr. and Son, where subject to that rejection, for bringing forth a treatment that was unheard of but proved to have good medical response.

Left-Director of the Austin State Hospital Texas (Right) Dr. Donato Pérez García, Senior, Texas, 1937

* Back in those days, curing gastric ulcers with something other than surgery was seen as “quackery”. Donato cured this condition using IPT, bismuth and sulfa salts. He was criticized by the medical society, stating that no such thing could be cured just using a syringe. By 1991 the bacteria H.Pylori was then discovered to be the cause of most of the gastric ulcers.

* Donato used insulin before lunch every day, for the rest of his life, and enjoyed good health. He was a non-diabetic.

CONCLUSION: Every distinguished inventor who brought new ideas and methods to those commonly known, has been rejected and criticized by colleagues and public at that time. Only continuous proof of efficiency and MUCH MUCH TIME, will come to prove his success and acceptance. Just because it is unheard of, doesn’t mean it’s untrue or inefficient. IPT has also suffered this kind of rejection, till this very day. Yet for over 80 years of existence, anecdotal testimonies show that it has persistently proven to cure many illnesses and medical conditions, in a non-traditional way.

To learn more about Insulin Potentiation Therapy, please visit:
Official Web Site of Insulin Potentiation Therapy

Yes. It is possible.

IPT Medical Team of Donato Pérez García, MD

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

The skin as a therapeutic absorbent

The skin as a therapeutic absorbent

The skin is an absorbent organ of nutrients, medicines and essential oils that can be used with therapeutic purposes.

The skin absorbs many chemicals, such as hormones and analgesics. The use of essential oils to therapeutic advantage isn’t something new, nor magical. Reports on  the use of essential oils on the skin date over 3,565 years ago.

Myrrha in detail
The use myrrh, for example, is extracted from the cortex of a tree named Commiphora Myrrha (Africa, Arabia and Turkey) it’s documented in Egypcian Papyrus where physicians would spread them on wounds and heal. Romans used myrrh extract to prevent wine from turning to vinegar (elimination the Acetobacter bacteria). 

Leeuwenhoek painting
In the XVII century, bacteria is discovered by Leeuwenhoek and in 1860 Pasteur discovers that bacteria are the main cause for infections. In 1920 the Australian chemist Arthur Penforl published an article on the In Vitro use of Tea Tree Oil extract as an antimicrobial and treated infected wounds on soldiers. 
Only until 1930 is penicillin used for infections.

Old Lithography of oil extracts in medieval times
Essential oils are extracted from plants and trees. Throughout 1564 and 1937 many studies on oil therapy where made mostly in Europe, yet many do not believe in it’s full medicinal potential, what can be stated is that the skin absorbs the substance and locates the source of alteration in the body, whether it’s infectious or inflammatory, etc.

Essential Natural Cutaneous Oils 
I’d prefer for a patient to use essential oil therapy for arthritis pain, based on laurel, black pepper, cinnamon, clove bud, chamomile, ginger, juniper, mint and thyme floral extracts rather than a gel/ream based on diclofenac. The concomitant use of essential oils during Insulin Potentiation Therapy (IPT) and Insulin Potentiation Therapy Low Dose (IPTLD) is a complementary therapy for cancer or other chronic illnesses, allied in the healing process. I recommend it to all my patients for pain, energy, relaxation, sweling, etc.
IPT Medical Team of Donato Pérez García, MD

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Carbohydrates and Cancer

Carbohydrates and Cancer

How good is it to go on diet with no carbohydrates, if you have cancer?

Our body requires nutrition that contains balanced quantities of carbohydrates, fat and protein. If we stop consuming carbs, the body will produce them based on fat and protein reserve. So at the end, this “transformed product” is not an original and will cause deficiencies in all the new tissue formation.

By using fat and protein reserves to produce carbohydrates, our body stops reacting adequately, there is a sign that says “reduce the processes”, and looses even more body weight, causing the immune system to not function properly. Carbohydrates are the fuel that normal and cancer cells need to function.

Yes, we need to consume carbs derived from natural foods; fruit, vegetable and grains, avoiding at all cost those which come from processed foods, which are the one’s that truly cause unbalance and contribute to the development of the cancer.

Nutrition and diets programs are not for curing, they help prevent and help the body recover from an illness, as well as keeping the body in proper condition.

Donato Pérez García, MD
Www. Iptldmd.com

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Dr. Donato's Special Guest at the KAT JAMES Show

Dr. Donato stars as special guest in the 

Kat James’ fast-paced new radio show comes to life with living snapshots of unfolding, dramatic transformation, straight from her acclaimed Total Transformation® programs and from her award-winning bestseller, The Truth About Beauty. Featuring leading experts and maverick pioneers, Kat’s show promises unprecedented living inspiration and cut-to-the-chase solutions to today’s most pressing health, quality-of-life, anti-aging, body image, and beauty concerns.

Click the link below:

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

日本での IPT

 Donato療法と言われていたもので、約85年ほど前にメキシコの軍医Donato Perez Garcia ,Sr.(1896-1971)によってDonato療法として始められたものです。
 最初は栄養補給とヒ素による梅毒治療が主でしたが、米国で息子のDonato Perez Garcia Belon, Jr.(1930-2000)とカナダ人Dr. Steven G Ayreによって研究、論文発表がなされ、世界に広がっていきました。
 現在、孫のDonato Perez Garciaによって継承され、癌治療や難治性感染症等の治療に利用されています


  1. 治療方法と抗癌剤決定の為、今までの治療経過がわかる資料、紹介状、レントゲン写真、検査データ等をできるだけ持参し、カウンセリングに来ていただきます。
  2. 治療開始が決まれば効果判定に必要な為、当院で採血、CT、レントゲン、PET検査等受けていただき、注射、開始日を決め、スタートします。
  3. 外来で治療できます。朝食をとらないで、軽食をもって来院します。
    血糖を測定し、インシュリン量を計算してインシュリンを注射し、点滴を開始します。therapeutic momentと言われるところで、少量の抗癌剤を何種類か注射します。糖分の入った抗癌作用のあるその他の薬剤を入れてある点滴を開始し、朝食を食べて、 点滴が終了したら血糖を測定し、問題ないことを確認し、帰っていただきます。
    何の抗癌剤の副作用のつらさもなく、帰宅できます。病状にもよりますが、原則として最初 は週2回注射し、3週間計6回打ち、以後は週1回注射し続け、2ヶ月前後で効果判定し、同じ抗癌剤で継続するかを検討します。初期で癌が消え、腫瘍マー カーが正常になればやめます。また末期癌で、癌が消えず大きさが抑えられ、腫瘍マーカーも抑えられた共存状態の場合は週1回を継続し、経過良好の場合は注 射の間隔を延ばして継続していきます。

Yes, IPT in Japan

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Timing of cancer chemotherapy using IPTLD® is crucial

Timing of cancer chemotherapy using IPTLD® is crucial for the success of treatment
By Donato Perez Garcia, MD (IPT/IPTLD® Professor)

Back in the year 1980, R. North an immunologist from the Trudeau Institute in New York and colleagues were able to produce immune cycling with tumor regression by directing chemotherapy to immune suppressor cells. He also reported that if chemotherapy was given at the wrong day and earlier, it will not work, instead the tumor will grow faster and will give the impression that the tumor was resistant to the chemotherapy drug. (Science Magazine,May 2010).

While several of the doctors I have trained in Insulin Potentiation Therapy  (IPT)  and some patients who have a cancer recurrence are concerned with finding which chemotherapy drug will work best, I tell them that to have a successful cancer treatment depends on the accurate timing of delivering chemotherapy to match the fluctuation in each patient's immune system.

Not all cancer patients are cured by surgery, radiotherapy, biological therapies, alternative treatments, standard high dose chemotherapy or even low dose chemo. Some patients achieve a complete regression, others do not respond and others appear to have some level of clinical response.

Traditional cancer therapies affect some cancer cells but also normal cells and produce the well known side effects.

Today my Insulin Potentiation Therapy +Targeted Low Dose chemotherapy has been taking advantage of the immune system cycle using its regulatory mechanism by enhancing selectively the T cells in a cycle specific manner due to the actions of the insulin that acts as a modifier of the cell biologic response.

Since Donato Perez Garcia,MD (1896-1971) the inventor on this treatment for cancer and chronic degenerative diseases started to treat patients, he set the treatment appointments for every 7 days, this was back in the year 1930, for chronic degenerative diseases and in 1946 for cancer.

“ He noted that patients had very good responses when they received their chemotherapy every 7 days. It was the time when observation and good clinical judgment played an important factor”.

All IPT Low Dose Chemotherapy treatments are done intravenously.
 His observations came to scientific support until the year 2009 when a team of Medical Doctors (Coventry,Ashdown,Quinn,Markovic,Yatomi-Clarke & amp; Robinson) from  Department of Surgery & Tumor Immunology Laboratory, University of Adelaide, Royal Adelaide Hospital, Adelaide South Australia identified the homeostatic immune oscillations in cancer patients that CRP a protein indicated. This CRP is associated with inflammation and the activation of the immune system. (Journal of Translational Medicine 2009,7:102)

To my patients treated here in Tijuana, Baja California, this means that they are receiving their chemotherapy protocol on the correct day, achieving the disruption of the regulatory circuits that protect the tumor cells.  With my IPTLD protocol my patients are also taking advantage of the induced and controlled hyperthermia that insulin produces and it is well known that a high body temperature also helps in the fight against cancer.

I started to treat cancer and chronic degenerative disease patients back in 1983 and during these 28 years of clinical practice I have seen several cancer patients that were initially treated with standard chemotherapy, responded well but later developed a cancer recurrence. Several of these patients who developed a metastases or recurrence were told that  they build chemo resistance. When I started to treat them using the low dose insulin that acts as a modifier of the cell biologic response with the same chemo drugs they received as their first treatment they all had a good response. No need to mention that the Greek test to detect chemotherapeutic drugs sensitivity was not available.

In conclusion, it is more important to deliver your chemotherapy drug combination on the right time and day to match your immune system activity . It is a good help to know which drugs "can" "maybe" work by means of a chemo sensitivity test but definitely it is not critical to your treatment, because when the drugs are given on the right time and day the response is going to be a success.
IPT Medical Team
Donato Pérez García, MD

Tuesday, February 24, 2015


by the Global Quality Foundation

A truly remarkable recognition for a lifetime of professional trajectory, helping patients worldwide, promoting high quality standards in his field, helping build a better humane development.   

The Global Quality Foundation has awarded Donato Pérez García, the International Award “Global Quality Gold” in the Elite category, recognized as “Man of High Leadership 2015”. In the grand event, celebrated on February 23rd 2015 in Mexico City, an award was presented to Dr. Donato in recognition to his leadership, outstanding professional trajectory for promoting recognition to high quality standards and dedication, support that sustains economic and social development, as well as activities that will inspire many generations to come.

Left-Sponsor of the event (Right)-Donato Pérez García,MD
  The award is given and organized by the Global Quality Foundation through its Executive Committee and a work team committed to quality. This multi disciplinary team analyzes the candidates based on 4 parameters: trajectory, transcendence, influence and projection. The Global Quality Foundation is an International Interdisciplinary nonprofit organization founded in the city of Dubai. Established in 1975 in the City of New York, with more than 36 nation members as well as institutions, enterprises and distinct personalities worldwide.

Award winners in the 2015 Global Quality Foundation
It seeks to improve process and quality services, focused in satisfying social global needs, awarding and recognizing enterprises, institutions and important characters that have enriched their community and surroundings, supporting competitive companies and organizations, promoting social and cultural responsibility, sustainable development, righteous commerce and educational quality, among others.
Dr.Donato before receiving his award.

The Global Quality Foundation carries out a great mission because through these awards, funds are collected and third party donations have the following destination: As a support foundation and international cooperation among 15 countries in Latin America and Africa, with charity projects for many different ethnics for education, health, fresh water, hygiene, productive development, as well as job employment for people with needs, like single mothers, violence victims and educational school for people with special needs.



Since the beginning of his medical trajectory, Dr. Donato Pérez García has been health precursor, with national and international recognition, developing a protocol called “Insulin Potentiation Therapy” that has given a higher life quality standard to patients worldwide. He founded the Academy for IPT training over 500 medical doctors in 31 countries. He is the main speaker and lecturer in the annual Global IPT Conferences. He is currently member of the board of directors in Hospital Angeles Tijuana, medical society, where he attends to his patients, encouraging a deep meaning of health. His altruistic work includes educating public and patients on the importance of human’s integral care.


Wednesday, January 28, 2015



Why Not get healthier with IPT?

Introducing 3 New IPT Therapies for Chronic Fatigue, Gastric Discomfort and Immune Support, a complementary protocol based on Biological Medicine that will increase energy and vitality for a better dream-accomplishing life.

Our Immune System Support Treatments, perfectly combine the right dosage of biological medicine ampules to trigger white cell production, I.V. essential nutrients specifically designed to strengthen the lymphoid organs PLUS energy boosters for maximum immune efficiency, all administered using the protocol “Insulin Potentiation Therapy”.

Using Bio Regulatory Medicine, the balance in the digestive enzyme levels is restored to ensure well decomposition of foods, protect the stomach from excessive gastric acid secretion, reduce inflammation and reduce high levels or acidity with alkaline agents, all this in only 3 sessions.

Need More Energy? Why not give our IPT Bio-Energy Treatments a Try? Full energy I.V. Boosters, essential nutrients and potent AntiOxidants to add vitality, a full Detoxification I.V. Protocol to remove clotted toxins, Oxygen Therapy to elevate O2 cellular levels PLUS a Nutritional- Detox Guideline to follow from home. Add the energy you need for Life!


 Mexico:  52+664-616-4878

IPT Medical Team of Donato Perez Garcia, MD.
 * All our treatments require a full medical evaluation by Dr. Donato Perez Garcia, a treatment proposal plan will be designed specifically for each patient.
* All medication used in the IPT Therapies include biological medicine and a Maintenance Program.
* The IPT procedure is very safe when administered by an officially trained IPT Physician.


Thursday, January 22, 2015

Mr. R - Patient Testimony Prostate Cancer

Mr. R - Patient Testimony Prostate Cancer

Mr. R. has stage 2 adenocarcinoma prostate cancer. He is leaning towards stage 3. He is not a candidate for surgery. Although his heart is doing well, the surgery is high risk would more than likely kill him. They would have to invert him for six hours and the doctors feel that he wouldn’t survive the surgery. If he did, they said that he would have a permanent catheter and never be able to have kids. Not much of quality of life in his opinion.

He is not a candidate for radiation therapy. They do not want to do hormone therapy as it would be very detrimental to his heart. The only remaining option is radiation for nine weeks, five days a week. And eventually stem cell transplant or blood therapy once it metastasizes. They don’t feel that if would get rid of the cancer, only slow it down. Because he is such a big man, they would have to do much more radiation than the doctors would like. His side effects would be a permanent catheter and colostomy bag.

R. decided that the side effects would be too extreme and opted for IPT treatments. He is going to have the treatment done in Mexico by one of the doctors that discovered and patented IPT, DR. DONATO PEREZ GARCIA. Dr. Donato has an 82% success rate for stage 2 to stage 3 prostate cancer and would half the price than in U.S.. There are doctors all over the world doing this type of treatment. If R. had it done here in the U.S. it would cost $75,000-$100,000 and the doctors doing it were all taught by Dr. Donato.

Basically they put you in an hypoglycemic state and administer about 15% of the normal chemo dose with insulin. Because cancer cells have many more insulin receptors on them, the cancer cells “open their doors” to receive the insulin carrying the chemo. Because of this, it is like receiving 16 chemo treatments in one, only you don’t get sick or lose your hair. IPT does not destroy the healthy cells and does not tear your body down like regular chemo.

Once the cancer is destroyed, R. will come back once or twice a year to have an additional treatment. Than way, if any cancer cells pop up they are destroyed before they can turn into tumors. If you want any further information, you can go to www.iptldmd.com or info@iptldmd.com

R. first treatment was done on Monday. The hospital was unbelievably beautiful. The entire hospital was spotless and the staff was very caring and gave him excellent care.

Dr. Donato administered a detox and antifungal I.V. the first day. He said that many cancers are started by fungus in the body. The second day R. had Biological Medicine for prostate administered. Basically, these are plan and herb concoctions manufactured in Germany. Europe has been using them for over 200 years.

Again, thanks everyone of you for helping R.!

* For security purposes, patient's name will remain anonymous.

Dangers when receiving cancer treatment with a hyperbaric chamber

 It is important to know that the use of the hyperbaric chamber for cancer has risks These risks are biological that damage your body and th...