Tuesday, July 29, 2014


NATURAL CHEMOTHERAPY-Using the protocol I.P.T. a small dose of insulin helps prepare the body to receive the natural chemotherapy to cancerous cells. We use a neatly selection of anti cancer I.V. medication that contains all natural extracts from plant cortexes, that will act as chemotherapy, inhibiting the proliferation of cancer, reduce inflammation, without toxicity and eliminating side effects. This treatment is complemented with Immune System Support to offer maximum strength to your body’s natural defense system.
  • I.P.T.L.D. Targeted Low Dose Chemotherapy
  • Detoxification Treatments
  • Anti Fungal Treatments
  • Anti Parasitic Treatments
  • Anti Viral Treatments
  • Specific Organ Support: Liver, stomach, uterus, prostate, kidneys, ovaries, bladder, breast and digestive alterations.
  • Immune System Support
  • Dendritics
  • Nutritional Fortification
  • High Dose Vitamin C -Drips-
  • Cellular Anti Aging Treatments (Non-Esthetic)
  • Hyperthermia
  • Specific Symptom Relief: Inflammation, Chronic Pain, Fatigue and Allergies.
  • Bio-Energy Treatments for Chronic Fatigue
  • I.P.T. Treatments  for Other Illnesses and Infections:  prostatitis, arthritis, rheumatism, digestive illnesses, anemia, malnutrition, multiple sclerosis ...
  • Nutritional Guideline
  • Supplement Guideline
  • Oxygen Therapy
  • Ozone Therapy
  • ONKOTEST Chemo sensitivity Testing

Read our booklet: IPT E-Booklet

Get your FREE evaluation, write to: info@iptldmd.com 
Learn More about IPT and our services: www.iptldmd.com

IPT Medical Team of Donato Perez Garcia, MD.

e-mail: info@iptldm.com
U.S. (619)-798-8017
Mexico (52)+(664)-635-1834
U.S. Fax (619)-330-1978
Skype: dontaopg3

* All our treatments include a Maintenance and Follow Up Plan for each specific medical condition, to prevent recurrence. 
* IPT - IPTLD is an official trademark of Donato Perez Garcia, M.D.


DETOXIFICATION THERAPIES-Whether it’s it a moderate, medium to critical case of intoxication, our IPT Detox Programs can help reduce toxin’s using the body’s own draining system, stimulating the main organs in charge of eliminating toxins, such as liver, kidneys and lymphatic system, helping restore balance and with our IPT Follow Up and Maintenance Plans, we will provide nutrition and supplement guideline, as well as detox programs you can do from home to keep your toxicity level to normal standards.
  • I.P.T.L.D. Targeted Low Dose Chemotherapy
  • Natural Chemotherapy (Non-Toxic)
  • Anti Fungal Treatments
  • Anti Parasitic Treatments
  • Anti Viral Treatments
  • Specific Organ Support: Liver, stomach, uterus, prostate, kidneys, ovaries, bladder, breast and digestive alterations.
  • Immune System Support
  • Dendritics
  • Nutritional Fortification
  • High Dose Vitamin C -Drips-
  • Cellular Anti Aging Treatments (Non-Esthetic)
  • Hyperthermia
  • Specific Symptom Relief: Inflammation, Chronic Pain, Fatigue and Allergies.
  • Bio-Energy Treatments for Chronic Fatigue
  • I.P.T. Treatments  for Other Illnesses and Infections:  prostatitis, arthritis, rheumatism, digestive illnesses, anemia, malnutrition, multiple sclerosis ...
  • Nutritional Guideline
  • Supplement Guideline
  • Oxygen Therapy
  • Ozone Therapy
  • ONKOTEST Chemo sensitivity Testing

Read our booklet: IPT E-Booklet

Get your FREE evaluation, write to: info@iptldmd.com 
Learn More about IPT and our services: www.iptldmd.com

IPT Medical Team of Donato Perez Garcia, MD.

e-mail: info@iptldm.com
U.S. (619)-798-8017
Mexico (52)+(664)-635-1834
U.S. Fax (619)-330-1978
Skype: dontaopg3

* All our treatments include a Maintenance and Follow Up Plan for each specific medical condition, to prevent recurrence. 
* IPT - IPTLD is an official trademark of Donato Perez Garcia, M.D.

Monday, July 28, 2014

I.P.T.L.D. Targeted Low Dose Chemotherapy for Cancer.

Part of our New and Improved line of services brought to you by the IPT Medical Team of Donato Perez Garcia, M.D. IPTLD Targeted Low Dose Chemo uses only 15% of chemotherapy drugs using a targeting method with insulin (IPT) that helps detect and deliver chemo medication only to cancer cells. Effective, potent, gentle with hardly no side effects. It's the next generation in Chemo Administration.

  • Natural Chemotherapy (Non-Toxic)
  • Detoxification Treatments
  • Anti Fungal Treatments
  • Anti Parasitic Treatments
  • Anti Viral Treatments
  • Specific Organ Support: Liver, stomach, uterus, prostate, kidneys, ovaries, bladder, breast and digestive alterations.
  • Immune System Support
  • Dendritics
  • Nutritional Fortification
  • High Dose Vitamin C -Drips-
  • Cellular Anti Aging Treatments (Non-Esthetic)
  • Hyperthermia
  • Specific Symptom Relief: Inflammation, Chronic Pain, Fatigue and Allergies.
  • Bio-Energy Treatments for Chronic Fatigue
  • I.P.T. Treatments  for Other Illnesses and Infections:  prostatitis, arthritis, rheumatism, digestive illnesses, anemia, malnutrition, multiple sclerosis ...
  • Nutritional Guideline
  • Supplement Guideline
  • Oxygen Therapy
  • Ozone Therapy
  • ONKOTEST Chemo sensitivity Testing

Read our booklet: IPT E-Booklet

Get your FREE evaluation, write to: info@iptldmd.com 
Learn More about IPT and our services: www.iptldmd.com

IPT Medical Team of Donato Perez Garcia, MD.

e-mail: info@iptldm.com
U.S. (619)-798-8017
Mexico (52)+(664)-635-1834
U.S. Fax (619)-330-1978
Skype: dontaopg3

* All our treatments include a Maintenance and Follow Up Plan for each specific medical condition, to prevent recurrence. 
* IPT - IPTLD is an official trademark of Donato Perez Garcia, M.D.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

It's here! It's here! The I.P.T. Electronic Booklet



Presenting for the first time ever:
(click link above) 

It's finally here, the I.P.T Booklet!

* Have questions about I.P.T?
* Our treatments?
* I.P.T. Medical Team Services?
* Travel arrangements to Mexico?
* Contact information?
* Procedures?
* Hospital Angeles?
* Something else?

The answers are probably in this illustrated, easy to read booklet.
Over 24 treatment plans, patient’s most frequent Q&A, plus your guide to
Getting a FREE evaluation and treatment proposal plan. 
Check it out! 
Share it with a friend!

Our List of Treatments include:
* I.P.T. Targeted Low Dose Chemotherapy
* Natural Chemotherapy (Non-Toxic)
* Detoxification Treatments
* Anti Fungal Treatments
* Anti Parasitic Treatments
* Anti Viral
* Specific Organ Support
* Immune System Support
* Dendritics
* Nutritional Fortification
* High Dose Vitamin C -drips-
* Cellular Anti Aging Treatments (Non-Esthetical)
* Hyperthermia
* Bio-Energy Treatments
* Nutritional Guideline
* Supplement Guideline
* Ozone Therapy
* Oxygen Therapy

and many more …                                                click on:
* All our treatments are administered using the protocol “Insulin Potentiation Therapy”.
* A Maintenance and Follow Up Plan is included with each medical condition, to prevent recurrence.
* All I.P.T. treatments are supervised and administered by Donato Pérez García, M.D.

For more information on our services, please contact the IPT Medical Team of Donato Perez Garcia, M.D.   info@iptldmd.com

Friday, July 18, 2014


Fungal Diseases are more common than you’d think. It has been said that there are 1.5 million different types of fungi in the planet, but only 300 are health threatening. They usually live outdoors, in damp places, on plants and soil, some fungal spores live in the air or indoor surfaces, mostly.  Anyone can get a fungal infection, specially if their immune system is weak. Even biochemical imbalances in the Ph can give entrance to fungal development. Most fungal diseases can be easily treated with antimycotics, but other types need stronger medication as well as a preventive plan, in diet and hygene habits. Too much antibiotic intake can lead to healthy bacteria reduction, which only makes the fungus grow even more.

Our I.P.T. Therapies for Fungal Diseases uses the right amount of anti fungals, deep immune support to strengthen the body’s defenses, nutritional fortification combined with alkaline agents to neutralize acidity, a powerful combination of medicinal compounds of natural (non chemical) origin, that will not damage the body, nor interfere with other medication and help restore balance while completely extinguishing all presence of fungal diseases and spores. We also offer a preventive diet plan to reduce risk of reoccurrence. All our I.P.T. Programs are very affordable and you won’t find better medical care from your treating doctor.

If you’d like to apply for your FREE Evaluation and Treatment, call - write or Skype us, Today.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

It’s Not Just I.P.T…

Presenting our new Line of I.P.T. Treatments and Services
All the quality and tradition of over 80 years experience in “Insulin Potentiation Therapy”, ask for your e-booklet today, learn all the benefits of our NEW alternative therapies that I.P.T Medical Team of Donato Pérez García, M.D. offers you.

Write or call Today!
Mexico 52+664-635-1834
U.S.A. 619+798-8017
Skype: donatopg3
E-mail: info@iptldmd.com

Wednesday, July 2, 2014


In its origins, I.P.T. was used by Dr. Donato Pérez García I (1896-1971) to treat his poor health condition. He had lost a lot of weight and appetite. He began using I.P.T. on himself, noticing that food nutrients where better absorbed with this protocol. He’d suffer for anemia and malnutrition for many years, and in a matter of weeks he regained strength and weight. He applied I.P.T. every week for the rest of his life.

The efficiency of I.P.T. for cases of anemia and malnutrition, continues to be a success. Using this delivery system, I.P.T., in combination with potent I.V. nutrients, ensures maximum absortion and fortification with Vitamins, Minerals, Aminoacids, High Dose Vitamin C+, B Complex, Alkaline Agents and Oligoelemts that the body needs to restore itself. Patients will feel a difference within de 2-3 treatment, restoration of appetite, increase in energy and immune support. All our medication and I.V. Nutrients are from natural origin, no chemicals to damage your body’s natural balance, and all the high quality stamp of +30 years experience from the leading doctor in I.P.T., Donato Pérez García, M.D.

Call/Write today for your FREE Evaluation and Budget Estimate

U.S.A. (619)-798-8017
Mexico (52)+(664)+635-1834
Skype: donatopg3

Dangers when receiving cancer treatment with a hyperbaric chamber

 It is important to know that the use of the hyperbaric chamber for cancer has risks These risks are biological that damage your body and th...