Monday, May 6, 2024

Why ultra-processed foods (UPF'S) are not good for your body, they greatly affect your health!

 Why ultra-processed foods (UPF'S) are not good for your body, they greatly affect your health!

This term ultra-processed foods (ultraprocessed foods or UPF’s) was coined by the nutritionist-epidemiologist since 1990 in Brazil. Dr. Monteiro detected that childhood obesity was increasing rapidly. So his research team at the University of São Paulo carried out studies to get to the bottom of the problem. It was found that ultra-processed foods are contributing to the increase in obesity, type 2 diabetes, depression, heart problems and premature aging among some diseases.
UPF's are already a Global problem and represent 67 percent of the calories consumed by children and adolescents, mainly in the USA.

According to the NOVA classification established by Dr. Monteiro and colleagues, foods fall into 4 categories, clarifying that this classification is not based on their nutrient content, since almost all ultra-processed foods add vitamins or minerals to improve only the nutritional value but they are not healthy

Category ONE: Unprocessed or minimally processed foods such as fresh or frozen fruits and vegetables, beans, lentils, meat, chicken, fish, eggs, milk, natural yogurt, rice, pasta, corn, flour, coffee, tea, herbs and spices.

Category TWO: Processed culinary ingredients such as salt, cooking oils, butter, honey, vinegar and sugar

Category THREE: Processed foods that result from the combination of Group ONE and TWO that are preserved or modified simply by being canned, glass-packaged, fermented or baked. This includes freshly baked bread, canned vegetables, beans, fish, and some cheeses. Some add preservatives to make them last longer on the market.

Category FOUR: ultra-processed foods. These are the ones that are made industrially with ingredients that you do not use at home such as fructose corn syrup, hydrogenated oils, proteins such as soy, and they also add colorings, sweeteners (to sweeten), and emulsifiers. Everything to make these foods look pretty and taste nice. Almost everything known as junk food falls into this group.

If you are one of those who consume many of these foods, your health may be affected. Review what you eat and improve your eating and nutrition habits. Remember eating is not the same as nourishing yourself with fresh foods with natural nutrients. Watch your health.

Also, if you do not have instructions from a professional to correct an illness, do not diet, because of fashion or because it was recommended to you. Many diets are fads and fads go out of style. If you want to lose weight, start measuring the amounts of food you consume per day using a measuring cup. Walk, exercise to suit you, sleep, relax.

And I add, you should drink water preferably from a mineral source, which does not mean that it should be carbonated and it should not be alkaline water all day. Do you know how much water you should drink a day?

Follow me for more information?

Dr.Donato Perez Garcia



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Tijuana,BC. Mexico 22010









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Sunday, May 5, 2024

Lemon juice. The super food that has magical properties. Do not fall into falsehoods.

Lemon Juice
The super food. 
Magic, Mith, Reality.
Do not fall into falsehood

A ver Compadre: This message, which was originally circulated in 2021, remains and is sent as if it were current now in 2024. It is not true that lemon juice is more effective than chemotherapy. The diet must be balanced, we must measure what we eat and include a little of all foods - natural, organic preferably - and not fall into falsehoods such as this supposed article inventing magical properties of lemon juice and not even published in the Lancet magazine. 

Nutrients only serve to provide the carbohydrates, proteins and fat that our body requires. All the foods on this earth are nutrients. In some cases, consume the nutrients, if you are sick, you will feel better because your body replaces the lack and Our skin experiences well-being and in some simple diseases such as viral diseases, this helps the body to repair itself. The reality is that when our body gets sick, with cancer, we have to use drug therapies that have a curative effect, powerful enough to destroy to damaged cells, repair the affected organ and modify the body's chemistry to reverse the disease and support the body to repair itself. There are ideas that if you encounter “Godzilla” (which would be a catastrophic disease like cancer) and you defend yourself with sand balls, prayers, juices and smoothies, the reality is that they are not going to work. For these diseases you need to use the necessary “weaponry” with the power required to eliminate “Godzilla”. So the idea of magical, miraculous, simple remedies, hidden from the world, only serves to give us hope but we need to select the weaponry we will use. Finally, medicine also has to have several “updates”, what was previously believed to be the best is no longer the best. Therapeutic modalities must be incorporated that correct the cause and not only attack the symptom. The body must be treated comprehensively, seeing the body as one and with the help of allopathic and natural medications, making systemic changes that correct and repair the body and This way you can recover your well-being. Since 1983 I have been dedicated to Integral and Regenerative Medicine (Alternative Medicine) this way of treating the cause or causes systemically works well and gives very good results. For more information follow me!









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Why ultra-processed foods (UPF'S) are not good for your body, they greatly affect your health!

  Why ultra-processed foods (UPF'S) are not good for your body, they greatly affect your health! This term ultra-processed foods (ultrap...