Ozone is one of the most
powerful anti oxidants found in nature, helps heal scaring and promotes organic
detoxification with a wider line of substances. Among its other properties
there’s anti fungal, anti bacterial and antipyrine capabilities, for there’s no
anaerobic bacteria, virus, protozoon or fungus that can live in a high
concentrated oxygen environment. Ozone for medical use is combined with a bio
oxidative and autohemotherapy, thru an ozonenization of a bubbly I.V. saline
solution. It is an effective therapy with many healing benefits that can easily
be combined with the rest of our IPT Treatments.
- I.P.T.L.D. Targeted Low Dose Chemotherapy
- Natural Chemotherapy (Non-Toxic)
- Detoxification Therapies
- Anti Parasitic Treatments
- AntiFungal Treatments
- Anti Virus Treatment
- Specific Organ Support
- Immune System Support
- Dendritic Cell Vaccine
- Nutrient Fortification
- High Dose Vitamin C+
- Cellular Anti Aging
- Hyperthermia
- Specific Symptom Relief
- Bio-Energy treatments for chronic fatigue.
- IPT for Other Chronic Illnesses
- Nutritional Guideline
- Supplement Guideline
- Ozone Therapy
- ONKOTEST Chemo sensitivity Testing
Read our
booklet: IPT
Get your FREE evaluation, write
to: info@iptldmd.com
IPT Medical Team of Donato Perez Garcia, MD.
e-mail: info@iptldm.com
U.S. (619)-798-8017
Mexico (52)+(664)-635-1834
U.S. Fax (619)-330-1978
Skype: dontaopg3
* All our
treatments include a Maintenance and Follow Up Plan for each specific medical
condition, to prevent recurrence.
is an official trademark of Donato Perez Garcia, M.D.
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