Thursday, August 7, 2014


Depending on the illness or medical condition and the organ that’s most affected, a fine combination of bio regulatory medication is selected, to give support specifically to the organ that needs it most, stimulating high efficiency and preventing further deterioration.

Liver-. promote the proper liver functioning, adding oligoelements and necessary nutrients to strengthen hepatic cells, drain toxin accumulation in this gland and prevent further deterioration.

Stomach-. Using bio regulatory medicine, balance in the digestive enzyme levels is restored to ensure well decomposition of foods, protect the stomach from excessive gastric acid secretion, reduce inflammation and reduce high levels of acidity with alkaline agents.

Uterus-. Reduces inflammation, using natural medication that will not interfere with hormonal processes, add support and maintenance to ovaries.

Prostate-. The main support you can give to prostate problems is reducing inflammation and adding vigor.

Kidneys-. We offer a full cleansing and kidney drainage support, to remove toxin and residue accumulation that directly interferes with its filtering function for better performance.

Bladder-. This bladder support is mainly to reduce swelling, use alkaline agents to keep urine pH levels to normal, avoiding high acidity that may generate infections in the urinary tract as well as general cleansing support.

Mammary Glands-. The medicine we use, plus the way it’s administered using IPT, can reduce inflammation in great deal as well as decongesting the mammary glands in a soft and gentle way without aggressive chemicals that may interfere with other medication.

  • I.P.T.L.D. Targeted Low Dose Chemotherapy
  • Natural Chemotherapy (Non-Toxic) 
  • Detoxification Therapies
  • Anti Parasitic Treatments
  • AntiFungal Treatments
  • Anti Virus Treatments
  • Immune System Support
  • Dendritics
  • Nutritional Fortification
  • High Dose Vitamin C -Drips-
  • Cellular Anti Aging Treatments (Non-Esthetic)
  • Hyperthermia
  • Specific Symptom Relief: Inflammation, Chronic Pain, Fatigue and Allergies.
  • Bio-Energy Treatments for Chronic Fatigue
  • I.P.T. Treatments  for Other Illnesses and Infections:  prostatitis, arthritis, rheumatism, digestive illnesses, anemia, malnutrition, multiple sclerosis ...
  • Nutritional Guideline
  • Supplement Guideline
  • Oxygen Therapy
  • Ozone Therapy
  • ONKOTEST Chemo sensitivity Testing

Read our booklet: IPT E-Booklet

Get your FREE evaluation, write to: 
Learn More about IPT and our services:

IPT Medical Team of Donato Perez Garcia, MD.
U.S. (619)-798-8017
Mexico (52)+(664)-635-1834
U.S. Fax (619)-330-1978
Skype: dontaopg3

* All our treatments include a Maintenance and Follow Up Plan for each specific medical condition, to prevent recurrence. 
* IPT - IPTLD is an official trademark of Donato Perez Garcia, M.D.

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