Tuesday, June 24, 2014


Feeling Toxic? We all need  a Detox now and then, to clean and purify our body from all the contaminants we’re constantly exposed to. When we feel intoxicated, our energy leves go down, we’re irritable, don’t eat or sleep well, thus affecting our quality of life. The IPT Medical Team of Dr. Donato Perez Garcia, offers high quality detoxification programs* for moderate, high to critical levels of intoxication, caused by toxic environmental exposure, heavy metals in the system, as a result of a chronic illness, long periods of medication intake or due to poor healthy lifestyle. The best selection of Natural and Biological Medicine combined with the “Insulin Potentiation Therapy” delivery system for maximum results, administered and supervised by Donato Perez Garcia, M.D.

Our treatments are very affordable, there are no adverse effects, no pills, plus we offer a 7-Day Detox Program to follow from home, as courtesy. Start your Detox TODAY!

Please contact our I.P.T. Medical Team to start your free medical evaluation and budget estimate.

U.S.A (619)-798-8017
Mexico 52+664+635-1834
E-mail: info@iptldmd.com
Skype: donatopg3
Website: www.donatoperezgarcia.com

Monday, June 23, 2014


CAUTION: Dear patients, I received this letter on June 16th 2014, it is a serious complaint from the relative of a patient who got, so called, IPT, it’s about the dangers of going to uncertified IPT Physicians. Patient wishes to remain anonymous, all he/she said about the doctor was that he was from Germany.

"Dear Dr. Donato:I’m writing on behalf of a relative of mine, who’s been struggling with breast cancer. Knowing the toxic complications and side effects of doing conventional chemo and/or radiation, she searched for alternative treatments and came across “Insulin Potentiation Therapy”. Learning about this treatment the patient was convinced this was the correct choice. Coming across one doctor in Germany who allegedly was trained in I.P.T. accepted her as patient. Knowing she didn’t want chemotherapy or any "toxic" treatment, and putting his own financial needs at top, instead of the well being of his patient, he convinced her that doing high dose of Vitamin B would cure her.
For 6 weeks he did “so called IPT” with nothing other that Vitamin B, his fees were extremely expensive, consuming almost a life savings, but still he continued week after week, taking her money and making us believe that would be all she needed. We should of known it was a mistake from the very beginning, we should of done better research to detect he wasn’t officially trained.
A few weeks after finishing IPT with this doctor, my relative was in a lot of pain. When we went to see another specialist, and did tests, it turned out the cancer had spread so far, it was inoperable, it metastasize to her lungs and there was very little we could do at that point. How could this be? We paid so much, so much and she was worse.
When we went to confront this doctor, he just shrug and said, “Oh, I’m sorry, it didn’t work”.
This is simply a fraud and a most unfair one. We’re out of money and time, all because this doctor made a wrong decision and has no license to practice IPT, using that good name without proper training, charging outrageous fees for something he never really prepared for at the cost of this patient’s life. It’s not fair and the entire family is crushed because of this. Like him, there are many other doctors who only care about profit at the expense of the chronically ill. If he’d been truthful from the beginning, my dear family member would of had better chance of fighting the illness. I know that now. It’s most unfair, Dr. Donato, something must be done. Being your protocol, there must be something you can do.
My heart goes out to all those people who also have fallen into the hands of these uncaring doctors, not just in Germany, but everywhere. Please, you must warn them doctor, use this testimony if necessary, but do warn them. Some words of encouragement would be helpful at this difficult time, please write back, and thank you.
Regards, G."


Thank you for sending this letter G.
Unfortunately you are not the first, second nor third person I have learned to be cheated by their allegedly IPT Physician. It is in deed a very serious situation that’s affecting patients all over the world, not just in America. What’s most alarming is that these kinds of letters are being sent to me more and more, in the past 19 months. Yes, it is in fact my protocol, and my family's good name, but you must understand that Medical Piracy is everywhere these days, doctors who do not want official training are giving it the name “I.P.T.” but has nothing to do with the protocol I teach. There is no such thing as treating breast cancer with IPT and Vitamin B, and I have never approved that.

Times are economically difficult but that’s no excuse for profiting on someone else’s misfortune, especially coming from a doctor.  Your letter compels me deeply, G. Know that I have began working on this problem, last year and this 2014, I’ve been alerting patients to check my “List of Certified IPT Physicians” trained and endorsed by me. I’ve been sending out publicity campaigns about Medical Piracy and IPT Certification Awareness, to alert and caution patients and family members seeking IPT.
Not every medical doctor is qualified to do IPT, there is proper training and certification that must be supervised by myself, before I can give credentials and add a doctor’s name on my list. I can assure you, that I will not stop addressing this important issue and your letter will be displayed to the world as a testimony of the consequences of IPT Medical Piracy.
Each year I invite and welcome all doctors to my Training Seminars and Global Conferences. I cannot force doctors to take the course and administer IPT in the right manner; all I can do is offer the choice. Their true nature will reveal if they choose honorably or not. The invitation is open to them. Thank you for your letter G. this negative experience will not be in vain, and will help many others, I’m sure.
Donato Pérez García, M.D.

Monday, June 16, 2014


Prostatitis is a very painful medical condition that affects adult men, due to prostate inflammation. The most common cause for prostatitis is due to viral or bacterial infections, there’s an acute and chronic type. The most common symptoms are pain and difficulty urinating, incontinence, painful ejaculations, genital discomfort, urgent frequency to urinate, specially during nighttime, lower back pain, discomfort and burning sensation in the pelvic area.

If not treated effectively, prostatitis can be recurrent and from being acute, may become chronic, developing complications that with time will be longer and harder to treat.

A prostatitis treatment using the method I.P.T. and Biological Medicine, offers unique benefits compared to conventional medicine. First, a fine combination of antivirals, antibiotics, antiparasitics and anti inflammatory medicines are selected, these are of natural origin that will not damage your system, potent yet gentler on your body, protecting the immune cells to fight the infection. Depending on the severity of the condition, 6 to 8 treatment sessions are suggested. Patient will notice reduction in pain and inflammation after 2 treatments, it’s painless and there are no adverse effects. Once cured, the patient will receive a follow up and prevention plan, to avoid recurrences.

For an evaluation and budget estimate, please write to: info@iptldmd.com o call our offices:
(Mexico) 52+664+635-1834, (United States) 619-798-8017. Skype: donatopg3

To learn more about I.P.T. for chronic illness and infections, visit:
www.donatoperezgarcia.com o call an I.P.T. Representative today.

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